November 22, 2023
2024+ Market Outlook Survey: Update

CDR Friends,
We have a few follow-ups on our launch of the 2024+ Market Outlook Survey last week.
Given that this is the first-ever survey of its kind, we had modest expectations about the number of responses we would receive.
We are thrilled that those expectations have already been surpassed less than one week in, but we are eager to get more responses to increase the value of the ensuing report!
If you are a purchaser or supplier, please complete the survey.
If you are not, please refer any purchasers or suppliers you know to qualify for a complimentary copy of the detailed findings (a fee will apply otherwise).
We stated it at the launch, but it bears repeating:
All responses to the survey are kept strictly confidential. We take data privacy seriously and are only allowing access to individual responses to a small team internally.
Special thanks to our panel of external reviewers: Annie, Antti, Axel, Bjørnulf, Cimberley, Chris, Claire, Eleonora, Harris, Jason, Joanna, Josiah, Markus, Mike, Mitchel, Neal, Olivier, Sean Sophie, Vida, and last but certainly not least, Peter, who proposed the idea to!
Thanks to the AirMiners community and all our LinkedIn and X followers for forwarding our launch announcements.
And finally, many thanks also to the stellar members of our team of volunteers at who have been most engaged in preparing and launching the survey: Kevin, Michael, Michelle, Quentin, Robert, and Tankson.
It’s Thanksgiving tomorrow for all of our friends in the USA. As challenging as world affairs and the climate situation may be, it’s always helpful to reflect on how fortunate we are and give thanks for the opportunities we have to contribute to a better world. Wherever you may be in the world, Happy Thanksgiving!